2011 archive

New! Darcy + Archer


We are excited to share two new designs just added to our website this morning: Darcy and Archer!  We are continually expanding our house section to provide design options that fit with any style and we love how different these two are.  Darcy is elegant, classic and detailed (high five if you get the name […] Read more…

Fontophile Files: Edition #1


We are major fontophiles (I may have made this term up) over here at the Aerialist Press and after a crazy twitter session with some of our other wed industry compatriots (I know, geek moment, right?), all equally wild about great fonts, we decided we had to start sharing some of our faves. We offer […] Read more…

Sunday InstaPic: Swatch


I thought Sunday would be a fun day to give a regular peek into one of the many random photos I take on my iphone every week.  A sort of regular check-in with what I have seen/been up to.  I am a huge fan of Instagram for iPhone (my username is Aerialist if you want […] Read more…

The Knotty Bride’s Vendor Love


More exciting news over in our corner of the world!  We have been accepted into the Knotty Bride’s Vendor Guide: Vendor Love!!!  Eeeee!  Can you tell we are a little bit excited?  And how spiffy is that badge in our sidebar? The Knotty Bride is one of our very favorite wedding bloggers. She has a […] Read more…

Happy 2011!


I know making new years resolutions can just be a way of setting yourself up for disappointment but I love making goals, planning and thinking about all the ways we can be better and brighter.  I know all of the ones on my list aren’t going to happen this year and I’m ok with that. […] Read more…

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